Memang adat dan adap orang Melayu itu sungguh halus. Kekadang adat dan adap Melayu itu sukar untuk difahami malah sering diingkari oleh bangsa-bangsa lain sehinggakan ia menyebabkan berlaku terguris perasaan malah boleh dianggap sebagai kurang ajar atau yang halusnya dikata kurang beradap. Malah bagi yang menjunjung adap dan adat Melayu itu juga kadang-kadang terpaksa menanggung bebanan dek kerana galur-galur adap dan adat itu sendiri.

Begitu juga bermanis mulut adalah sebahagian daripada adat dan adap. Bagi yang bermanis mulut itu kerana beradap dan yang menerimanya juga harus beradap. Kalau dalam situasi sedang menjamah makan, maka si fulan itu akan beradap dengan bermanis mulut menjemput si rakan lain untuk makan bersama-sama. Tapi bagi si rakan pula dengan beradap akan menolak dengan baik dan mengucapkan terima kasih sekiranya dilihat yang dijamah itu cukup sekadar seorang sahaja. Tapi bagi si fulan itu kiranya beria-ia menjemput maka dengan beradap si rakan tersebut menjamah sekadar cukup untuk mengambil hati si fulan tersebut.

Tetapi sekiranya keadaan dimana makanan pula memang untuk mereka berdua maka lainlah pulak situasinya.

Tapi kadang-kadang susah juga untuk dingerti antara bermanis mulut dan realiti. Ini adalah kerana kekadang bermanis mulut itu bakal mengundang keadaan yang kurang manis.

Saya kini sedang berada diluar negara, dan perancangan tersebut telah diatur dua bulan sebelumnya. Ini bukanlah kali pertama saya ke negara tersebut malah sudah melebihi empat puluh kali. Jadi adatnya sudah pasti ramai rakan-rakan yang saya kenal di negara tersebut.

Kali ini saya berada disini agak lama memandangkan banyak urusan yang perlu diselesaikan. Saya ada menelefon seorang kawan yang memaklumkan akan ke sana untuk menyelesaikan beberapa urusan.

Beliau pula dengan beradap mempelawa saya untuk tinggal dirumah beliau. Saya juga dengan berbesar hati menerima pelawaan tersebut memandangkan baik juga tinggal di tempat orang kita, sekurang-kurangnya ada teman berbual berbanding tinggal seorang di apartment sewaan.

Jadi dengan penuh beradap apabila tiba dirumah beliau saya mencuba untuk menjadi tetamu yang faham adap dan adat Melayu. Saya bataskan pergerakan saya hanya di tempat yang secara logiknya dibenarkan dan cuba membantu kerja-kerja rumah seperti membasuh pinggan, mengemas rumah, melayan anak-anak beliau dan kalau boleh ingin sahaja saya menjadi bibik bagi membalas jasa beliau kerana membenarkan saya tinggal dirumahnya. Jadi saya sebenarnya cuba menjadi seorang Melayu yang beradap.

Malangnya saya dapat rasakan yang kehadiran saya mungkin mengundang rasa ketidak selesaan oleh isterinya. Maka dengan penuh beradap juga saya mengambil keputusan cepat-cepat berpindah ke rumah sewaan setelah mendapat beberapa petunjuk dari isteri beliau.

Kalau dihitung, ada baiknya jangan dijemput awal-awal kerana tiada sesiapapun akan tertanggung akan kesan pelawaan tersebut.

Berkecil hati pastinya ada…..

Jadi perlukah saya salahkan adap dan adat kerana bermanis mulut itu berbahaya dan lebih baik jika berterus terang sahaja. Ada baiknya jika tidak bermanis mulut sekiranya kita tidak bersedia untuk menerima.

Apa pun kerana kita beradap dan beradatlah menjadikan kita bangsa yang bertamadun.

EGYPT – First Day

As I was approaching out from the flight cabin I still remember usually we always get stuck by the half way because everyone are rushing to get on the escalator to the second floor, but this time it wasn’t the same. The traffic was smooth as we were approaching outside and become better. We were still in line but it seems to be that the destination becomes farther.

As I was walking together with other passengers, from one conveyer to another, I was singing and quietly along the way and I believe it was obvious that my face was full of smile. My first step in Egypt and Egypt has changed. This is the new airport and it is big. The distance from the cockpit to the immigration gate was reasonably far.

At last, the country which mostly dependable on tourist industry as its main income has done its job. Though I can see the furnishing of the floor was still not up to the international standard, but yet Egypt has changed. Egypt is going to have a tremendously change, no more Husni Mubarak faces hanging around the offices and even perhaps around the country.

As I’m approaching to the immigration area, I still can detect the original design before the airport extension. The area forced me to recall back my first time to this land on year 2000. I knew nobody except a group of Malaysian students in the airplane and they already left me from that area.

Suppose I should feel excited to enter the country but I was a bit nervous as I was feeling something is not going to be right. And bam! there you go, I had been stopped and waited for two hours for no reason. Every time I asked they seem to have a standard script to answer me back, ‘five minutes’.

Thank god, those Malaysian students were actually waiting for me to get out and they said it was expected. What a warm welcome from this Pharaoh land! That was a story of more than ten years.

I supposed after two years from my last trip to Egypt, that incident wouldn’t happen again. We line up approaching to the immigration gate for passport stamping. Both behind and in front of me were Egyptian couples. Perhaps they just came back from Dubai or Singapore for honey moon.

When it was my turn, there were two offices in the cubicle, I smiled to them. As usual they wouldn’t reply my warm smiles as they just quarrel with their wives or their valuable things been stolen. I don’t mind and I took it easy. The officer stamped my passport and then he put away my passport on the desk and I thought it was done.

But then he said ‘five minutes’. Then come the Egyptian couple behind me, he stamped their passport and let them go, and another couple and stamped and go. Then after that he took back my passport and gave to me.

What a stupid idiot Egyptian immigration officer, he could just give my passport immediately without wasting my valuable 15 minutes. I smiled to myself and I said, that the first attempt and many more to come fella! Welcome to Egypt and many more Hell Will Come….


E-commerce is definitely something which is totally not new..not so called as ‘in trend’. Because it has been very long time even during my study time in campus.

But yet, e-commerce is still considered new to our country,our entrepreneurs and even to our society. And of course totally new to me.

I never shop on line, as i always prefer something tangible and something that i would like to touch. Even i don’t really shop for something just because it is cheaper. Sorry guys i don’t shop fake things. Or factory outlet things. Not because that many name ended up with Ananda Krishnan or AlBukhari….but it just the confident feeling and my preference of buying behaviour.

As i said,i just dont do that way. But yes i shopfor discount.

Hence, Din Polo in Penang will not be in my list or wardrobe. Yet he is a gentleman and a dear who i respect. (to understand this u need to come to Penang and ask people around, a free promotion for Penang Global Tourism).

Back to the story of e-commerce, i only use internet to purchase for flight tickets.

But lately i’ve experianced myself the effect of internet, the power on to connect thousand of people and met up with few guys who actually making money through internet by selling products online.

I think i should not neglect on this market area, hence im going to start something that i always dream of through online.

I will start my own label….so guys just wait. The day will come.